Smart Farming in India And Its Benefits

Farming has been practiced since ancient times, and farmers constitute the backbone of the industry. Farmers toiling away in the fields, generating food for the globe. In earlier times, farming was a fully labor demanding approach that needed tremendous amounts of time and work. As time passes, labor heavy processes develop into capital intensive that produces high productivity with little effort. In India, smart farming or smart agriculture is required to assist farmers in increasing their productivity and revenue.
What is Smart Farming?
First of all, we have to know about smart farming. Smart farming is the greatest agricultural strategy that combines existing farming practices with better and increased production. It was once utilized to improve farmed product quality and efficiency. Smart farming practices, on the other hand, improve farmers’ quality of life by reducing hard and tedious labor.
In short, smart farming implies decreasing waste, increasing output, and making maximum use of resources through remote sensing. Precision farming is also known as smart farming. It involves a combination of smart agricultural technology, IoT devices, big data analytics, remote sensing, artificial intelligence, and robotics. It has been scientifically established that using these technologies raises profits, reduces waste, and preserves the quality of the environment.
Agri-tech products are affordable to farmers?
Hi-tech and technologically advanced items do certainly give a pleasant working environment with a high level of productivity. Even if farmers want to adopt smart farming, if it is not cheap to them, they will not. The majority of Indian farmers have inadequate money, which prohibits them from taking advantage of the digital revolution in agriculture. As a result, agri-tech must prepare their products and services based on the farmer’s budget to get the full benefits.

Benefits of Smart Farming in India
Increased Productivity
Farmers may improve their efficiency by using smart farming techniques. Farmers can now produce more items in a shorter amount of time thanks to modern technology. They are quickly examined, foresee problems before they occur, and make critical decisions to put them at bay.
All agricultural tasks are completed on schedule and to a high standard. For these technologies, the short food chain is completed on time, and everyone in the country receives appropriate food at an inexpensive price.
Appropriate Resource Management
Smart agricultural technologies make full and proper use of resources. Energy, water, and land are examples of resources. By using data acquired from sensors, IoT farming data may be used to provide the most appropriate quantity of resources to the plants.
The process that is cleaner
It’s a more efficient method that saves electricity and water while also making frames more environmentally friendly. These devices assess fertilizer and pesticide usage. In comparison to traditional agricultural practices, these processes provide organic and cleaner goods.

Smart agricultural systems monitor unpredictably changing weather, air quality, humidity, soil in the fields, and crop health. This allows for real-time monitoring and prediction of crop health. This gives expert advice in the event of severe weather changes, which may preserve the crops.
Product quality has improved.
Crop sensors, farm mapping, and aerial drones are all used to assist enhance product quality. The ideal circumstances for increasing the value of nutritious goods are created by smart agricultural technology.
This is all about India’s smart farming. I hope you receive all of the pertinent details on agricultural innovation and new technology that will increase the productivity of your farms. Stay tuned to Tractor Junction for more information.
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