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Sugar cane Seed rate and Planting

Sugarcane is grown mainly in three seasons that is

 i) Early   : December – January            ii) Mid : February – March            iii) Late: April – May.

Seed Rate of sugarcane is 75000 two-budded setts per hectare.

Planting methods :

Sett Treatment:

  • Select healthy setts for planting.
  • The setts should be soaked in 100 litres of water dissolved with 50g Carbendazim, 200ml malathion and 1 kg urea for 15 minutes.
  • Treat setts with Aerated steam at 50°C for one hour to control primary infection of grassy shoot disease.


  • Place the setts along the center of the furrows, accommodating 12 buds/meter length.
  • Keep the buds in the lateral position and press gently beneath the soil in the furrow.
  • Avoid exposure of setts to sunlight.
  • First arrange the setts along the furrows, cover the setts with soil and then irrigate.
  • Plant more setts near the channel or double row planting at every 10th row for gap filling, at later stage.
  • In dry/ garden land dry method of planting may be followed. 
  • First arrange the setts along the furrows, cover the setts with soil and then irrigate.