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How to prevent/ avoid pests and insect attacks on wheat?

pest control for wheat

To begin with, Wheat is considered a staple food in India. Most Indians consume wheat every day. It is widely used in making roti, bread, snacks, and Dosa. Further, wheat is grown mainly in the northern region of India. The demand for wheat in India is unbeatable. The growing of wheat crops is beneficial in terms of economic growth. 


But similar to most crops, even wheat plants get affected by pests and insects. So, check out the latter part of the article to learn different ways to protect wheat from insects and pest attacks. These attacks can be prevented effectively with the right support and money. Further, farmers can get support and financial help from agricultural companies like Agrifi. 


What are the different types of pests that attack wheat and what are their symptoms?

The top five pests that attack wheat crops in India are listed below.

  1. Aphids

Aphids are a type of pest that is found in all wheat-growing regions. It is particularly found in large numbers in peninsular India. 

Further, the Aphid pest occurs in various stages. However, they spread fast through the crops, especially through asexual reproduction. The female Aphids give birth to Nymphs rather than eggs. These nymphs start to feed on the plant and its tissue resulting in a loss. So, managing Aphids by cutting their population is important.

Army Worm

2. Army Worm

The next type of pest that is found widely in wheat crops is the Armyworm. This type of pest is usually found in warmer climates and the northern part of India. In recent times, the Armyworm has caught the attention of farmers in India. It is especially high in the northern region where they follow rice-wheat rotation. The larvae of these worms can be found in the cracks of the soil. They feed during the night and day when the weather is wet. Further, the worms also survive the summer by taking the help of rotation crops like rice. So, it is significant that farmers check for these worms and take the necessary steps to eliminate them. 


3. Brown Wheat Mite

Brown wheat mite pests can be found in most wheat-growing areas. However, in the states of Rajasthan, Haryana, and Madhya Pradesh the infestation of brown wheat mites is high.  Further, these pests damage the crops through mite infestation. Further, these mites are very small and invisible to the naked eyes. They cause damage to the leaves by creating silvery flecking. Though Brown Wheat Mites don’t affect the overall yield of the plant, management of pests is necessary. Otherwise, farmers may have to change future cropping sequences.

  4. Termites

The worst pests that can attack the wheat crop are termites. These types of pests are found in all wheat-growing regions. They are high in number in northern and central India. Termites can also be found in some parts of peninsular India. 

Termites are considered the worst pest as they can attack the plant at various stages. Their attack takes place anywhere between the seedlings to the maturity of plants. Termites feed on plant tissues of wheat. A severely affected wheat plant can be easily uprooted. These plants can also look dried out. Further, in case the root of the plant is damaged, the plant becomes yellow. Hence, take swift action to prevent and control the attack by termites when growing wheat crops. 

termites dead plant

What are the steps to be taken to manage attacks by pests on the wheat crops?


There are several natural ways to help in the presentation and management of pests. Some of these steps are common. On the other, some preventive measures are specific to the crop at hand. 

  1. The first step to the prevention of pests that attack wheat crops is letting the nature take its course. There is nothing better than nature taking the course. Furthermore, letting nature do its job means allowing other insects to eat pests that are affecting wheat crops. 

However, in the case of Aphids letting ladybugs eat them is the best way to control their population. Apart from ladybugs, other insects that eat pests are beetles and spiders. These three insects are the best way of allowing nature to control the pest population. 

        2. The next step in controlling pest infestation is through the use of pesticides. But one thing you need to remember when using pesticides is the controlled use of them. Overuse of pesticides is dangerous for both nature and the plants that are grown. Also, these days many organic pesticides are available on the market. Further, several companies also provide financial help to the farmers to meet their agricultural needs like Agrifi. These companies are well organized and include apps like KrishiKhata for effective monitoring. 

However, one important thing to remember when using pesticides is the quantity. Ensure the right kind of pesticide is used in the right manner to prevent pest population growth.

       3. The third option that is available for the prevention or management of pests is physical destruction. Some of the pests that attack wheat can be suppressed by collecting and destroying it. In case of pests go through various stages can be easily be destroyed at the caterpillar stage. 

In addition to this, few pests that attack whet don’t necessarily cause economic loss. Brown wheat mites don’t cause any major cultivation constraints. However, you must maintain vigilance. So that it may not result in changing the cropping sequence altogether.

      4. The last and final step that plays an. an important role in pests prevention is an analysis of the steps taken. Irrespective of which method you adopt in pest control check to see the progress. In case something is not working as expected, try and alter and make necessary changes. 


Bottom Line

To sum it up, wheat is an important crop that is grown in India. Further, similar to other crops, wheat is prone to pests attack. However, it can be managed or prevented by taking appropriate steps. Here in this article, we have listed the types of pests that attack wheat and how to tackle them.